
Joe Gilmore: 823.JOY

James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, Faber and Faber, 1975

James Joyce, Anna Livia Plurabelle, Faber and Faber, 1930

James Joyce, Haveth Childers Everywhere, Faber and Faber, 1931

James Joyce, Two Tales of Shem and Shaun, Faber and Faber, 1932

James Joyce, Anna Livia Plurabelle, Faber and Faber Library Edition,

James Joyce, Thomas E Connolly (Ed.), Joyce's Scribbledehobble: The 
Ur-Workbook for Finnegans Wake, Nortwestern University Press, 1961

Samuel Beckett, Marcel Brion, Frank Budgen, Stuart Gilbert, Eugene 
Jolas, Victor Llona, Robert McAlmon, Thomas McGreevy, Elliot Paul, 
John Rodker, Robert Sage, William Carlos Williams, Our Exagmination 
Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress, Faber 
and Faber, 1972

Helmut Bonheim, A Lexicon of The German in Finnegans Wake, University 
of California Press, 1967

Colleen Jaurretche, The Sensual Philosophy: Joyce and the Aesthetics 
of Mysticism, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1997

Roland McHugh, The Sigla of Finnegans Wake, Edward Arnold 
(Publishers) Ltd, 1976

Adaline Glasheen, A Census of Finnegans Wake: An Index of the 
Characters and Their Roles, Northwestern University Press, 1956

William York Tindall, A Reader's Guide to Finnegans Wake, Thames and 
Hudson, 1969

Clive Hart, Structure and Motif in Finnegans Wake, Faber and Faber, 

Frances M. Boldereff, Hermes to his Son Thoth: Being Joyce's Use of 
Giordano Bruno in Finnegans Wake, Classic Non-Fiction Library, 1968

Brendan O Hehir, A Gaelic Lexicon for Finnegans Wake, University of 
California Press, 1967

Vincent John Cheng, Shakespeare and Joyce: A Study of Finnegans Wake
Pennsylvania State University Press, 1984

Michael J. O'Shea, James Joyce and Heraldry, State University of New 
York Press, 1986

Barbara DiBernard, Alchemy and Finnegans Wake, State University of 
New York, 1980

Michael H. Begnal and Fritz Senn (eds.), A Conceptual Guide to 
Finnegans Wake, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1974

Joseph Majault, James Joyce, Pendragon House, 1971

David A. White, The Grand Continuum: Reflections on Joyce and 
Metaphysics, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1983

Susan Shaw Sailer, On the Void of to Be: Incoherence and Trope in 
Finnegans Wake, The University of Michigan Press, 1993

Luca Crispi and Sam Slote (eds.), How Joyce Wrote Finnegans Wake: A 
Chapter-by-Chapter Genetic Guide, University of Wisconsin Press, 2007

James Joyce, Finnegans Wake (back cover), Faber and Faber, 1975

"It may seem that Ulysses violates the techniques of the novel beyond all limit, but Finnegans Wake takes language beyond any boundary of communicability. It may seem that Ulysses represents the most arduous attempt to give physiognomy to chaos, but Finnegans Wake defines itself as Chaosmos and Microchasm and constitutes the most terrifying document of formal instability and semantic ambiguity that we possess." — Umberto Eco, The Open Work (1962)

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